Location: Ontario, Canada

I live in NW Ontario with my 4 daughters and 2 cocker spaniels. Quilting is a major passion of mine both piecing and longarm machine quilting. I love scrap quilting and have been working on busting stash for a few years now.

Monday, February 13, 2006

Bread Day

I've been reading Patty's Blog Morning Ramble for awhile now and have really felt inspired to get back to my bread baking.
My Grandma Peters taught me to bake bread while visiting her on their farm I was 12yrs (I live in the city). I've never forgotten that day, she showed me how to make butter, right from the milking of the cows and then how to make bread. Well she didn't show me she told me how and had me actually do it, thats a great way to teach, in my opinion.
My Grandma was probably the strongest woman I've ever known and even though I didn't spend as much time with her as I would have liked she has had the largest impact on my life. Her faith in the Lord never waivered and she never gave up on telling me about Jesus and what an answer to her prayers when as a mom of 3 at the time I found him. My Grandma passed away 14 yrs ago and I still miss her so much, and yet she's here with me in so many ways like when I bake bread.
I have what is called a bread pan. Its a huge bowl with handles and a lid that is big enough for me to mix enough dough for about 18 loaves of bread.

I used to make bread every week and a half and my daughters often talk about it. How much they loved the smell in the morning of the yeast and later the bread baking. They loved "making" their own bread and buns with the dough I'd give them. When I was first separated I stopped making bread, life was really turned upside down for awhile, I went back to school, had to move and then took an office job. Now that I'm working at home quilting I'm feeling that pull to keep the freezer full of things that I've made and I know that my family really appreciates it too.


Blogger Patty said...

Now that is baking bread ! Looks like how the amish families make it, lots at a time.
Looks really to see all those bread pans. Today is my bread baking day. The smell of baking bread is one of the best

1:43 PM  
Blogger Alena said...

Your bread looks really gorgeous! And the memories of your gran are really nice, I really enjoyed reading your blog. Thank you for sharing...

5:22 PM  

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